Omni Massage & Guidance

Guidance Rates

Life Coaching

Access peace of mind and a fulfilling life by bringing clarity to the source of your problem, and cultivating the necessary knowledge and skill to handle it

1) We begin with your concerns
2) We clarify the cause
3) We develop a plan and cultivate essential skills
4) I provide accountability to keep you on track
5) Your quality of life improves!


1 session can shed enough light to change your life, but I recommend 4 sessions for $400, that way we have time to dig deeper and ensure you get the lasting change you desire

"Life is like a bicycle. If you stop moving, you fall down"

There are 10 spokes to the wheel of life (depicted in the pie chart beaker above^^) We all must cultivate and balance these areas in order to build our life pyramid to the peak of fulfillment

Due to inevitable blindspots and pitfalls, the key area that needs work may surprise you. We will resolve imbalance by cultivating knowledge, systems, and skills 

Each session - $100
1 session can shed enough light to change your life, but I recommend 4 sessions for $400, that way we have time to dig deeper and ensure you get the lasting change you desire

To book online, you can do so on my other website here:



Health Coaching

Transform your health with Stressor Professor's comprehensive health coaching service. We'll work together to create a personalized plan that includes guidance on:

- Nutrition
- How to shop the healthy way
- How to create a healthy living environment
- Exercise
- Recovery
- Posture Correction
- How to sleep
- And other factors that contribute to your overall health. Achieve your wellness goals and live your best life. Start your journey today

$100/hr - In person or online meeting via Zoom - Contact
To book online, visit 

Kitchen Revolution:
$250 – 1 visit to your house to clean out your fridge and cabinets from toxic products, and take a trip to the grocery store to learn how to shop the healthy way – Est. time 4 hours
 - Includes: 
      - Recipe Book
      - CSPI reference guide
      - Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen reference guides

Exercise Coaching:

- Get fit while staying in alignment
- Prevent injury
- Achieve a beach body
- Relieve anxiety and boost overall mood
- Improve sexual performance and enjoyment


Massage Guidance

Upgrade Your Skills:
- Build deep intimacy with your partner
- Relieve pain, stress, and tension on command

For the price of a single massage, you will learn how to give this incredibly pleasurable and stress relieving gift for the rest of your life

You can learn how to do this online here:

Or you can book private instruction by texting 817-845-3515 or email:
$300 - Private Couple – 3 hour
Learn how to massage your partner

$150 – Private self-massage –  90 minute
Learn how to massage yourself

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